Author of "My Perfect Son Has Cerebral Palsy"



About the author
Marie Kennedy is a wife, mother, motivational speaker, and freelance writer. She is published in numerous online magazines and has been a guest speaker at schools associated with the program "Everybody Counts."
She has also been a speaker with Jimmy at hospitals, child advocacy conventions, and universities, providing the human side of Cerebral Palsy to therapy and medical students.
This book is a tender look at not only a mother's frustrations and fears, but also of her dedication and triumphs, in a collective determination of spirit, with her very special child. We are empathetic and engaged with her as she overcomes all obstacles to become fully knowledgeable about Cerebral Palsy, and then become fully engaged with her child, as she comforts and encourages him every step of the way. The depth of her compassion, and Jimmy's positive reactions, encourage and stimulate the reader to embrace this overall integrated approach.
She shares her thoughts about the special bonds of family members -- the sheer joy of Jimmy's accomplishments, one step at a time -- and the heartbreak of having to handle the comments and stares of those outside the family circle. The interrelationship of all these factors serves to emphasize the importance of each; and the mother's ability to set the tone for parents, the extended family and friends, and the child. In so doing, the tone is also set for the child's outlook for the future, and his or her relationship in the world at large. She sees Jimmy as her mission and biggest joy in life!